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Idol Party

Updated: Nov 12, 2021

Idol Party is a new entertainment program of TV-Korea composed of two corners. Yuta will appear in the corner: Under the Sky without a Mother together with CLC’s Sorn. Married TV-Couple Park Misun and Lee Bongwon will pose as Korean parents for the foreign idols.

Idol Party Episode 01 | Yuta

Idol Party Episode 02 | Yuta

Idol Party Episode 03 | Yuta

Idol Party Episode 04 | Yuta

Idol Party Episode 05 | Yuta

Currently unavailable: Unsubbed version here

Idol Party Episode 06 | Yuta

Currently unavailable: Unsubbed version here

Idol Party Episode 07 | Yuta

Currently unavailable: Unsubbed version here

Idol Party Episode 08 | Yuta

Currently unavailable: Unsubbed version here
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