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Forum Posts

Jul 31, 2020
I'm fairly new to the fandom, as a matter of fact, this is my first time diving in the world of K-pop. I guess the stigma, when I was younger, that males can't like anything related to K-pop really got a hold of me. It eventually prevented me from enjoying all these hidden gems. Preeeeeeetty late to the party but it's better late than never, right? I still don't understand a lot of things and how the culture works but...oh boy, am I enjoying whatever hole I fell into. I used to just watch a couple of videos to pass time but then, it all came crashing down when I didn't notice that I'd be sleeping at 4am because I watched a ton of their crack vids. With that said, I'm more than glad that NCT is the first idol group I ever devoted my time to. They've made my life during the quarantine a whole lot better since I consume most of their content whenever I'm alone, which is almost all the time. I'm really not into performances and dancing but because of NCT, I've developed a newfound appreciation for these things. I'd like to thank my wonderful girlfriend who introduced me to the fandom, NCT, and never got tired of teaching me "the ways" of the culture. Mika, thank you for all your patience and support. I hope we keep on stanning our beloved bois together until the end of time. (She's also a member of this forum!) I'd also like to thank the owner of this website, Maria. Thank you for providing us a free platform where we can easily browse and watch all of their videos to our heart's content! It definitely takes a whole lot of commitment to invest and create something like this. Newbies like me who have trouble finding content greatly appreciate this safe haven. Lastly, to the boys who never fail to make us smile and remind us how beautiful people can be, I am grateful for your existence. I hope you all stay safe and do whatever it is that makes you truly happy. Hoping you get to explore more opportunities to hone your talents and skills in the future!! Y'all deserve the absolute best. Keep on winning.
Jul 13, 2020
In Taeil
Wishing that you get more opportunities to showcase your talents soon! No one can deny the fact that you're brimming with so much potential. You may seem passive most of the time (and that's okay!) but you truly have your moments. Keep being amazing, we love you~!
Jul 13, 2020
In Memes, Quotes & Jokes
Hey guys, what images of our bois can you actually "hear"? Lemme start with these c: *단 한 사람 plays from a distance* Drop those bad boys down below!!
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