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Nov 08, 2019
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Recently, we've been captivated by the advent of SuperM, a so-called supergroup for being composed of leading members (for some of them) of SME's established bands. The concept revolves around the Avengers of K-Pop narrative although not much has been properly said about what SuperM is about. As usual when it comes to SME, SuperM is futuristic. SuperM is innovative. But what is the actual purpose of that band? I'm sure there's more than that. And this is one of the reasons I like it even more. This is clear that there is a message and not necessarily to the supporters of SuperM but a diagonal message aimed at several audiences in the teaser of Ten. That painting, Taemin that reveals the falsehood of that pretended bucolic mind, the awakening of Ten .. But I will not discuss it right now. When I have more time, I'll post a review of each song plus some comments about its impact of NCT and WayV. But, however deep is the concept of SuperM, Jopping is one of the best songs SME has released this year. And one of the best performances as well. What else should be expect from SME anyway? <3 To be continued.
What to think of SuperM? content media
Jul 28, 2019
In NCTology
To me, it seems clear that NCT, including Dream, is heading to maturity. From Chewing Gum to Boom, they went through a lot and now their music sounds more and more like their seniors in terms of advancement but still keeping their own color. When you take a track like Boom, released 3 days ago, Contrary to their former tracks, Boom starts with a minimal tone of percussion, less gullible, less colorful. The vibe remains energetic but boldly includes dark synth elements that mainly older bands could have used. As a matter of fact, NCT uniqueness and SME legendary vintage but electronic/futuristic are just effectively blending together to generate a new sound that makes NCT, any sub-unit, noticeable and unique. The audience will probably keep evolving time passing. Less mainstream, pickier. But NCT counts on quality. It seems that SME clearly decided to maintain its image of sophisticated - sometimes even dark - vintage high society art provider. A mix of perfection.
NCT .. Dream on their way to maturity content media
Nov 24, 2018
In NCTology
I wanted to discuss something about Simon Says MV that called my attention. Is Taeyong Light Yagami/Kira (Death Note)? Let's start from the beginning. First of all, you may already know that the very first minutes of the MV includes Maori screams, the representation of War. It's a call for War. The gas mask that Winwin wears (I don't remember well about who is wearing it .. I'll re-check it out later on) recalls its bellicose dimension. From the very start, Taeyong is sitting on a chair, half like a master thinker half like someone in detention. Precisely, just the way Light Yagami aka Kira in Death Note is while in detention, under the supervision of the police and L. At '33 of the MV, Taeyong's profile added to a focus and a chiaroscuro on him echoes the core moment of this latest episode of Death Note, when Light admits 'I'm Kira'. One of the key lyrics of Simon Says is 'I'm God'. Remember that Light's first goal was to clean the world from viciousness and unworthy people. He's quickly been considered as 'new God' by the Japanese population. After a while, from a savior, Light turns into a killer, 'a killer vibe' like in Simon Says. In Simon Says the MV, that God 'memorizes the order'. In Death Note, memory and scrupulous methodology are key. Kira has to memorize the face and the name of people he wants to kill. In Simon Says MV, people are 'enchanted' by him just like people are with Light Yagami/Kira: handsome, smart, well educated, polite, a perfect brother and son. Kira is probably the most intelligent character ever conceived. L are like twins, each of them in his on world. Apart from this, the round table from 1.47 echoes Boss but also Interpol, the organization L works for. The idea of Simon Says itself calls my attention as well. Simon Says is a game that involves a player who takes the role of 'Simon', giving some instructions to the other players that might eliminate them one by one. The main point for Simon is to eliminate the quickliest way possible the opponents. If all the players are eliminated, Simon is the winner. In Death Note, Light takes the role of Kira and tries to deceive the police and L regarding his own hidden identity. One by one, opponents are eliminated. Private detectives especially during the whole story. The only one remaining is L in the last episode. Like Simon, Light gives instructions to the police through the media and hidden messages in order to mislead and win the whole 'game': be the 'God' he wanted to be. The 'boss', to echo Boss as well, he wanted to be. He has no limits, he is the smartest psycho master mind, nothing can 'break him', 'we don't play no mind' like in Simon Says. After all, he is new God.
Is Taeyong Kira? content media


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